Re: [Salon] In the Name of the Patriot Act: That's Ours

Hello to all.

   When I read of the indefensible move to commandeer Afghanistan’s reserves my mind went immediately to the withholding of Iranian reserves, and then to the theft of Citgo’s revenues and physical plant, and then to the piracy at sea last year. I gather we’ve now got this question’s version of John Yoo developing some pretzel logic to justify this disgrace. Apart from the question of mistrust in the dollar as global reserve, these people are nicely on the way to leading the world into state of lawless chaos—the larger matter, it seems to me.

    The dollar’s decline as the world’s reserve seems to be on its way far more quickly than one heard among the currency traders and strategists even a few years ago. Not quickly enough given the abuses.  

   Rgds to everyone,



Patrick Lawrence

Byers Cottage

314 Ashpohtag Road

Norfolk, Conn. 06058


tel.: + 1. 860. 542. 8003

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From: Clyde Prestowitz []
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2022 7:41 PM
To: Warren Coats; Chas Freeman
Cc: Chas Freeman
Subject: Re: [Salon] In the Name of the Patriot Act: That's Ours


Hi Warren,


You are exactly right. But I tend to think that ending the dollar’s role as the global reserve currency would be good for everyone. Yes, it would be painful in the short term. But “no pain no gain” is the watchword. Clyde


From: Salon <> On Behalf Of Warren Coats via Salon
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2022 9:46 AM
To: Chas Freeman <>
Cc: Chas Freeman <>
Subject: Re: [Salon] In the Name of the Patriot Act: That's Ours


The attacks on our liberties facilitated by the Patriot Act only worsen with time. But the rest of the world grows more weary with the reserve currency status of the US dollar as the US increasingly sanctions its uses for one reason or another, sometimes unilaterally. Biden’s proposed confiscation of Afghan reserves at the NY Fed are another nail in that coffin. As they add up, plus growing concerns over the size and cost of US debt, we are ever closer to the one that sends the dollar over the cliff.


Warren Coats

9128 Vendome Drive
Bethesda MD 20817
Home 301 365-0647
Mobile 703 608-2975



On Feb 12, 2022, at 12:02 PM, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:



Putting your reserves in American banks has its perils.  A timely reprise of 2003's snatch of Iraq's reserves.


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